
2025 Season Training Schedule

  • 22-23 Nov 2024 – New Umpire Training (Location TBD) [Optional]
  • 2 Dec 2024 – In-Person Classroom Session (El Segundo HS)
  • 9 Dec 2024 – In-Person Classroom Session (El Segundo HS)
  • 11 Dec 2024 – Study Guide Review (Zoom Session) [Optional]
  • 14 Dec 2024 – Umpire Clinic Day 1 (Urban Youth Academy)
  • 15 Dec 2024 – Umpire Clinic day 2 (Urban Youth Academy) [Optional]
  • 16 Dec 2024 – In-Person Classroom Session (El Segundo HS)
  • 18 Dec 2024 – Study Guide Review (Zoom Session) [Optional]
  • 6 Jan 2025 – In-Person Classroom Session (El Segundo HS) – Study Guide Due
  • 15 Jan 2025 – Cage Session [Optional]
  • 22 Jan 2025 – Cage Session [Optional]
  • 27 Jan 2025 – In-Person Classroom Session (El Segundo HS) – Elections

You must attend four (4) of the five (5) In-Person Classroom Sessions, the 14 Dec 2024 Umpire Clinic Day 1, and a minimum of 18 hours training (includes the Umpire Clinic).

Baseball Bat Decertification List

Standards of Conduct

Coaches and players are expected to maintain a standard of conduct that is necessary for the proper administration of the game and is consistent with the behavioral expectations of students and staff in a classroom environment. Umpires have considerable latitude in removing coaches and players for various acts which interfere with the game.  Many problems can and should be resolved with verbal cautions or warnings. Below are examples of behavior requiring more than a verbal caution or warning.

  1. A player draws a line on the dirt to indicate the location of a pitch.
  2. Profanity by either a coach or player directed at an umpire or profanity loud enough to be heard by fans.
  3. A coach refusing to return to the dugout or coaching lines after an umpire has explained a ruling.
  4. Jumping up and down or other such actions to show displeasure over a call or ruling, whether from the dugout or the field.
  5. Any non-playing action-related contact with an umpire, whether it’s accidental or intentional.
  6. The throwing of equipment such as bats or helmets in reaction to a call or ruling.
  7. A coach or player who refuses to follow verbal directions from an umpire relating to the administration of the game.
  8. A coach who leaves his position after being warned to argue balls and strikes.
  9. Blatant violation of the rules, such as cutting considerably short of third base in scoring a run.

NFHS Baseball Penalties and Awards

Uniforms and Appearance Policy

2-Man Mechanics

[Archive] 2022-2023 Training Class Dates and Misc. Information

CIF requires you to attend a minimum of 18 hrs. training.

  • Training will take in person on Monday, 5 Dec, 30 Jan, 6 Feb, and 27 Feb at El Segundo High School.
  • Training will be virtual on Monday, 12 Dec, 2 Jan (Study Guide), 9 Jan (Study Guide), 6 Mar (Makeup), and 13 Mar (Makeup)
  • You must register (once) for the virtual training sessions at
    This supports our ability to track attendance and move individuals into breakout rooms. Do not share the link you receive after registering with other members.
  • Training sessions start at 6:00 sharp!
  • You need to be present for the entire training session to receive credit.

FIELD MECHANICS CLINIC at MLB Urban Youth Academy – Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 8:00 AM

[Archive] 2023 Study Guide

[ARCHIVE] 2022 Study Guide

[ARCHIVE] Pitching

[ARCHIVE] 2022 NFHS Baseball Rules