08. Jan
The following are the minimum instructional standards for the California Baseball Umpires Association (CBUA) and its member Units. Individual Units within the CBUA may specify more stringent requirements, but are NOT authorized to relax any requirement without prior written approval from the CBUA Executive Board. Such approval shall be requested through the CBUA President, and received by the Unit from the CBUA Secretary. The request and approval may be made via e-mail.
- All Units shall offer California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) required 18 hours of training each season including a Unit approved field clinic. The training shall consist of formal, scheduled meetings, clinics and scrimmages that address rules, mechanics, philosophy and ethics. The training shall apply to all umpires, regardless of experience.
- All Units shall host an on-field clinic addressing proper positioning and mechanics each year.
- All Units shall teach the rules and interpretations as stated in the current National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Baseball Rules Book and NFHS Baseball Case Book.
- All Units shall teach the umpire mechanics and techniques of the NFHS Umpires Manual as amended by the CBUA and posted on the CBUA website.
- All Units shall complete instructional training, except for a 3-man mechanics clinic, by April 30 each season.
- All Units shall certify that their umpires have completed the required instructional training by May 5 each season. (See Umpire Certification Policy for approved form)
- All Units shall conduct a 3-man mechanics clinic for playoff-qualified umpires prior to the start of playoffs each season.
- Any instructional standards may be met by an umpire ‘s attendance at any Unit’s instructional meetings up to the limits set by the umpire’s home Unit. If the umpire’s home Unit does not specify limitations, it will be assumed that there is no limit on how many hours of training may be completed at another Unit.